2 guys...One Goal...Save the world through fitness!
Some Comments from Week #1 (Posted on facebook)

Goomba Speak: 

4/03/10 Wrapped up Week 1 with a nice 2.34 mile recovery run tonight. Legs are feeling a little week, but to be expected. Great Week 1 - looking forward to Week 2!

4/02/10 Feeling good after tonights run, as we look to wrap up Week 1 tomorrow. A bit crazy tonight - loud car accident right as Vin and I completed, good thing we weren't five minutes slower! The mileage was 2.75 tonight!4/01/10 Just short of 2.5 miles tonight up Genesee St. hill and back. Coach Twinkie came up with a great stretch that helped the knee big time - thanks, Vin! I'm sure it will get harder, but really enjoying myself thus far. The run really does something for my mood as well - great therapy!

3/30/10   Great run tonight - just a bit under 3 miles. Knee is a bit sore, but feeling good overall!

3/29/10  Run4life Running Program Starts  (Speedwork)

Went out for 2.38 mile run today, with speedwork as part of week one of run4life beginner's plan. The sprints pushed me but was proud of myself for fighting through it!

3/27/10 Great run with Coach Twinkie today! Feeling pretty good.

Twinkie Speak: 

Week 1 of the training program in books! Twinkie & Goomba 1, Auburn Roads 0

Nice night for a run...who's in? 25 minutes easy! Maybe we should organize a run to an ice cream parlor? hmm? Thats the twinkie in me speaking.

"It's at the borders of pain and suffering that the men are separated from the boys." - Emil Zatopek

Now all runners know why I tell them to carry a cell phone at all times. Mike and I finished our run last night and a couple minutes later a car accident happened about 200ft up the street. Having my phone I was able to call it in within seconds. Luckily no one was hurt!

Mid Week Comment: 
Feeling a ton better...The night runs with Goomba are really getting me back in shape! Looking forward to tonights run! Anyone want to join...hop in...train leaves at 8pm...
2/10/2011 03:12:00 pm

Speech is the image of actions.


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